from Agape Press
"From the Nazi death camps in Germany to the lynchings in Jim Crow America, Armstrong points out that supporters of genocidal violence have always justified their lethal acts, often with legislative and court-sanctioned rationalizations."
...pro-abortion forces today argue that an unborn child, especially prior to a certain stage of development, is not a person...
The Supreme Court said the same thing about the black man in 1857, again using a developmental criterion...The Nazis held that Jews and Eastern Europeans were subhuman and, therefore, did not deserve the rights of personhood under the law.
The Genocide Awareness Project is making an effort to bring the realities of abortion to college campuses."
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whatever form it takes,
is EVIL.
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Want to do the right thing?
from Agape Press
by Rusty Pugh
...A mental health professional says it's disappointing that most of the doctors in his field ignore the evidence that women suffer serious mental problems for years after having an abortion.
A study published this week in the open-access journal BMC Medicine reveals that for five years following an abortion, women suffer higher levels of mental distress than other women -- even those who have had a miscarriage.
Dr. Warren Throckmorton -- an associate professor of psychology at Grove City College and past president of the American Mental Health Counselors Association -- says his profession is not sensitive to this issue.
"And I believe, in part, it is because of political concerns that my profession does not want to provide any support for the pro-life movement [or] for people who are wanting to restrict abortions," Throckmorton shares.
"So this is, in a sense, embarrassing news that as many as 20 percent of women are still experiencing significant emotional distress five years after an abortion."
Throckmorton says this should be a wake-up call to the mental health professionals regarding the impact of an abortion on a woman's mental health.
{Seems to me, that the profession is "willing" to overlook the fact that women may need some counseling to overcome their "choice" RATHER than admit
the pro-life crowd may have some legitimate arguments. Nice......}
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