
conservatives unite

Discourses from a conservative Christian viewpoint in regards to politics, the church, world views and controversies; along with the application of the wisdom of G-d's holy word. There IS hope for a sinful and hurting world.... I believe in freedom of speech; however, please temper your language.Freedom of speech does NOT give us the right to be hateful,disrespectful or bigoted. Comments that contain cursing will be deleted! {My comments will often be enclosed when commenting on an article.}

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Public Prayers

I received an email to sign a petition that would go to President Bush requesting our right to pray in the public schools be re-instated.

C~B~N of course signed and sent it on to various friends and family members. One of my siblings wrote back:

"It isn't that I don't want prayer in the school, but whose prayer? Jews are offended by Christian prayer, Christians are offended by not praying to Jesus, and then you have the Muslims. That's another story altogether. So how do you do this? I don't believe Christians can insist it be ONLY Christian prayer."

This was my response which I was then told to blog! So here it is:

"It doesn't say this is ONLY for Christians. (Although, this country WAS founded by Christians.) This is for anyone who wishes to pray in schools to have that right. If we don't fight for this, then we cannot complain when they take 'under God' out of the pledge and 'In God we trust' off the money. Prayers before football games asking for the safety of the players will be banned. Prayers before the Senate or House will be next. Your right to bless your food in public will be attacked because YOU have offended someone. When is enough ridiculous poop, enough? Then we really will be living in a godless society.

We are not asking Jews to pray in Jesus' name. We are not asking Muslims to pray to our God~~they can pray to Allah.

All we want is the RIGHT; our Constitutional right to Freedom of religion~~not FROM religion; to pray without being threatened with lawsuits or jail.

Just a thought...."

FYI, nor do we want to force people to pray who do not want to pray....atheists can still be atheists; agnostics can remain agnostics; but nor do I believe THEY have the right to dictate to me what I can or cannot do~~especially since 83% of Americans believe in God.


Response to comment:


Anonymous said...
'trust in God'? why then does the USA need the most powerful army in the world and the biggest collection of Nuclear weapons?

C~B~N's Response: I'm not sure how a blog about our right to pray ties in with the United States having the biggest collection of nuclear weapons and the most powerful army~~but here goes:

While Americans are not perfect~~we don't profess to be~~we are a pretty generous people and always have been. We also believe that all people should have freedoms~~of religion, of speech, etc. We tend to help and support the underdog against regimes that deny their countrymen these freedoms.

Rather than criticizing America for having this arsenal of weapons, perhaps you should instead be glad we have had them ~~as they have been a big deterent from countries that would attempt world domination (Communist Russia; the Islamic Middle East). Had we not had the weapons, Russia would not have backed down. What would the world be like then? Communism is a dismal failure. It never took into account the greed of men. Say what you will, Detente' works.

History doesn't change because men don't change. Whatever name they go by: Alexander, Napolean, Hitler, Hussein; their goal is always the same.

While America may be criticized that she is only protecting her "oil" interests~~I'd say the declaration of war made in September gave us the right to defend ourselves. We didn't fly jet airliners into civilian businesses. If anyone in the Middle East thought we would "rent" our clothing and weep and wail; they don't know us then. Yes, we will weep; we will also go after the murderers who planned this. Ask Japan.

And God still was able to make something good come out of all this for the Iraqi people for whom open elections were the result.

Yet many Americans are getting tired of the criticisms. Many believe we should go back to a policy of isolationism. We will take care of our own; YOU take care of yours.

This always struck me as a very selfish, self-centered attitude~especially from a nation that has so many blessings. Yet, I cannot fault my fellow Americans attitudes. However, were we to do this, we would still be criticized!

So, we're damned by others if we do and we're damned by them if we don't.

I guess for now, we will continue to muddle along doing the best we can, trying to be fair, impartial, kind, and generous. If we make mistakes, well, if God can forgive us who are you NOT to?


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

'trust in God'? why then does the USA need the most powerful army in the world and the biggest collection of Nuclear weapons?

3:03 PM  

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