Bigotry in the Educational System
One day, an ape escaped from the zoo. His escape was announced on the nightly news and in the newspapers. But no one reported seeing the ape. Eventually, zoo officials found him reading at the library. He had two books open and a puzzled look on his face. One book was written by Darwin. The other was the Bible. When the zookeepers asked him why he was reading, the ape said, "I'm trying to figure out if I'm my brother's keeper or my keeper's brother."
Kansas has truly seen the full spectrum of Evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design this year in their schools. The high schools are adding Creationism and Intelligent Design to their curriculums to give differing theories equal time; whereas, at least in one college, they have ridiculed these particular theories.
"Dr. Paul Mirecki, chairman of the Religious Studies Department {How does a non-believer become chairman of Religious Studies? That seems an oxymoron to me.} at the University of Kansas, announced he would be initiating a new course next year called 'Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationism, and Other Religious Mythologies.' " Read the full account here: Agape Press
But before this course could be re-titled and developed, Dr. Mirecki has decided to not teach it after all. Why would an obviously liberal professor back down from trying to invalidate these two theories?
Perhaps because he was nailed emailing the university's Society of Open-Minded Atheists and Agnostics, a student organization for which he serves as faculty advisor, calling Fundamentalist Christians "fundies" and bragging that by calling these theories "mythology" he has done his part to "tick off the religious right". He also stated that this was "a slap in their big fat face."
Well, not the most tolerant of emails. But at least Dr. Mirecki holds no surprises for us Fundamentalists! We recognize his kind and can deal with them. They don't really threaten us~~because we also have the Constitution of the United States to defend our rights. At least for right now.....
After apologizing, he determined that because of this brouhaha, "the important subject matter of the course 'would not be well served' by the learning environment his e-mails and their public distribution had created."
By backing out of teaching this course, I think he did the right thing as I don't believe it was in his belief system to treat Creationism and Intelligent Design as "important subjects". He was man enough to recognize this.
He was also big enough to admit "he had erred in not leading by example in demonstrating the importance of discussing differing viewpoints 'in a civil and respectful manner.' " It takes a mature person to be able to admit when his attitude is wrong. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt~~that the apology was not just so he could keep his job or placate the irate "fundies".
This is what society needs to work on today. People are not cut out by cookie cutters. We are different and diverse. We should be mature enough to be able to debate our differences without belittling each other; without being disrespectful; without being downright hateful.
Many times, we will NOT EVER see eye to eye on certain issues. But HATE should NEVER have a place within anyone's heart. Ultimately, it only destroys you~~not your so called "enemies".
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No, the Dr. Mirecki's are easily recognized throughout campuses. The ones to worry about are the ones who teach at our Christian schools and universities who have this same attitude~~because these "profs promote their own personal agendas which seek to tear down the foundation of the faith."
"Dr. Paul Mirecki is obvious. Thank you, sir. That philosophy, theology, or biblical studies professor at your favorite institutional bulwark of orthodoxy might not be. And that is where the real cultural wars of this country ought to be taking place." Read the full commentary here: Agape Press
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