
conservatives unite

Discourses from a conservative Christian viewpoint in regards to politics, the church, world views and controversies; along with the application of the wisdom of G-d's holy word. There IS hope for a sinful and hurting world.... I believe in freedom of speech; however, please temper your language.Freedom of speech does NOT give us the right to be hateful,disrespectful or bigoted. Comments that contain cursing will be deleted! {My comments will often be enclosed when commenting on an article.}

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Power of Language

{conservative~by~nature's comments enclosed}

{Language is POWER. Words have a powerful affect. Whoever wrote that old childhood saying: "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me," was either wishfully thinking this or had no CLUE! While sticks and stones can physically hurt, words are much more "killing'. They can destroy self-esteem and initiative. Therefore, it is imperative that all conservatives and Christians fight the negative language the other side is using to characterize us with. If we don't, they will be the ultimate losers~~there will be no one left to witness to them who so desperately need it!}

from Agape Press
by James Lambert
Author of "Porn in America"
Purchased at AFA
He is also a licensed real-estate mortgage loan sales agent and can be contacted through his website.

Let's face it, liberals over the years have been effective in requiring the public and the media to use terminology they have reinvented to engage in philosophical debate.

Political correctness {anathema to Christians.} has played a huge part in contributing to the general atmosphere in the media where clever word usage is an important tool in changing public thought and or policy.

  • 'Choice' - Who isn't against choice? Everyone is for choice! Yet this word has been used by liberals for several decades to eliminate any negative connotation when discussing the abortion issue. "Pro-choice" is certainly a better term than {IS} "pro-abortion." Abortions are an ugly business. In most cases the fetus is extracted from the uterus, often dismembered. Yet whose choice is it? It may be the choice of the mother, but how about the baby who does not have a choice? The reality of abortion is something liberals don't want to debate.
  • 'Gay' - For centuries, gay was defined as "merry, happily excited or lively." {I'm still ANGRY that such a great adjective has been appropriated by these activists and now no one can use 'gay' anymore EXCEPT homosexuals!} Homosexual activists have reinvented this word to define their lifestyle. It's odd, {more like IRONIC!} isn't it, that the term "gay" would be used to describe a lifestyle that (on average) lowers the life expectancy of homosexual males by over 20 years? That's according to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta -- not a statistic just dreamed up by opponents of homosexuality.
  • 'Fundamentalists' - The meaning of this term has changed over time into one with a very negative connotation. Liberals, especially since 9-11, have used it to compare conservative Christians to Wahabe Islamists and the Taliban. {oh, yeah, we KILL those who disagree with us....get real. The absolute worst I will do to non-believers, is, GASP, PRAY for THEM!!!!} While this comparison is absurd, liberals in the media have used it to wage war against religious Christians. They do this in part by demonizing Christians and by calling them "fundamentalists." They imply that all conservative Christians want a theocracy, condemn others to hell, wish to punish sinners, and militantly want to force their religious beliefs on others. {Not true. We don't want a theocracy~~Islam is the PROOF of that one! But we do want the RIGHT to worship : it is called Freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Nor do I want others to be condemned to hell or to see sinners punished. Nor do any Christians I know. What we do want, is the right to share the gospel of Jesus with non-believers. But we are NOT going to be gleeful or vindictive should you choose NOT to believe. Nope, the worst we will do is pray for you. At my age, I know that you cannot FORCE anyone to do something~~well, you can, but it won't be a true conversion to whatever it is you are trying to force upon them. They'll do it to preserve their life, but will never BELIEVE it~~radical Islam PROVES it does NOT work. Nor would radical Christianity. Once again, every Christian I know does NOT want to force their beliefs on anyone. This is just Liberal Propaganda! We want to share those beliefs and let you decide~~although, we are hopeful you will see the wonder of a God that was willing to die for your sins!}

  • 'Intolerant' - Webster's definition of this word is "unable to endure, unwilling to endure, or unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters or other social, political or professional rights." Liberals have effectively eliminated the "religious matters" part. They see religion, especially the Christian religion, as intolerant. The use of this word by liberals reveals their goal of avoiding all forms of judgment. If conservatives critically question liberal ideas, they are immediately labeled as "intolerant." Yet liberals cannot see that their intolerance of religious people defines that term.
  • 'Homophobic' - This term cannot even be found in my Webster's dictionary. Yet we have seen this term applied to anyone who disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle. This is yet another way for radical homosexuals and lesbians to intimidate and harass any who dare oppose them in the political and social arena. {I find that "labels" on people tend to be ugly and are meant to be. They are used to belittle, to denigrate, to demonize, and to DESTROY. It is up to each of us to STOP this in its tracks.}
  • 'Diversity' - This word reeks of political correctness. While diversity is a good word that describes "a condition of differences," the word is also used by liberals to put forth the notion that any kind of differentiation is bad. In the liberal world, making personal judgment calls is wrong -- and diversity tells us that every lifestyle should be accepted and promoted.

All pundits of various social, political and cultural persuasions prefer to use key words in making their point. (Personally I like to refer to owners in the adult industry as "smut peddlers." {Quite apt, I think!} ) Even so, I have found most liberal pundits have been effective in using their favorite words to direct public opinion their way. Perhaps they would not be as effective without their friends in mainstream media.

But like other long-time newspaper readers, I've grown tired of news stories becoming an "analysis" for liberal causes. Maybe this is why we have seen newspaper readership drop steadily over the years, and alternative media becoming more popular. Just food for thought! {Good food it is!}

{You'd think the newspaper publishers would snap to this~~especially since so many are facing bankruptcy! You cannot be so far off base of the general mind set, which is Conservative and Christian and ATTACK those mind sets and then EXPECT them to buy your newspaper! It would be interesting, however to see if any newspapers that are conservative are having financial difficulties as well, or is this just a liberal papers conundrum?}

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