
conservatives unite

Discourses from a conservative Christian viewpoint in regards to politics, the church, world views and controversies; along with the application of the wisdom of G-d's holy word. There IS hope for a sinful and hurting world.... I believe in freedom of speech; however, please temper your language.Freedom of speech does NOT give us the right to be hateful,disrespectful or bigoted. Comments that contain cursing will be deleted! {My comments will often be enclosed when commenting on an article.}

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christians Standing by Israel

from Agape Press
by Paul McGuire of The Paul McGuire Show

Paul McGuire has called on Christians around the nation to more actively support the nation of Israel.

Some Christian groups who believe "that God is finished with the nation of Israel" are practicing "replacement theology," which is the belief that the Church has replaced Israel and does not have the right to the land of Israel.

A careful study of scripture reveals that God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his physical descendants. "Everlasting means everlasting!"
McGuire continues.

"The Jews have been promised the physical land of Israel from God. It is the responsibility of Christians to stand for the nation of Israel. In addition, it is impossible to understand Bible prophecy without understanding God's plan for the Church and the nation of Israel."


Since Jews will have a prominent role in the end times (Revelation chapter 7), it is the Church's folly to adhere to this "replacement theology". Those who do will find that God's judgment will fall on them~~as they are left gazing upward AFTER the rapture.....

Jesus IS A JEW. He was born a Jew and He died a Jew.

It stands to reason that when He returns as King of kings and Lord of lords, that He will STILL be a JEW. He will worship God as a Jew. He will follow the feasts and festivals that God gave to Israel and that Israel has followed for all this time.

He will not place Christmas trees in the temple! He will not celebrate Easter. He will not become Catholic, Baptist, Methodist.

Rather, He will complete what was started but never finished. He will teach us ALL the proper way to worship God~~the covenanted way to worship God.

The Jewish way to worship God!

If you turn your back on Israel, you turn your back on God and Jesus.

When you turn your back to God and Jesus, you have made a choice~~albeit one that has eternal consequences.

The CHURCH had better wake up and learn the Bible. A true Christian does NOT practice "replacement theology".

A true Christian does NOT turn his back on Israel.

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