
conservatives unite

Discourses from a conservative Christian viewpoint in regards to politics, the church, world views and controversies; along with the application of the wisdom of G-d's holy word. There IS hope for a sinful and hurting world.... I believe in freedom of speech; however, please temper your language.Freedom of speech does NOT give us the right to be hateful,disrespectful or bigoted. Comments that contain cursing will be deleted! {My comments will often be enclosed when commenting on an article.}

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Romans 12:9-11

vs. 9 "Don't just pretend that you love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of good."

Paul is telling the Roman church that you must truly LOVE others. You must stand up for righteousness. You must hate evil.

Simply put, you love the sinner, hate the sin.

It is so easy to hate that homosexual or child abuser or wife beater or rapist or thief or adulterous spouse or murderer……

But Jesus set the example we are meant to follow. He allowed us into His home~~sinners that we were & still are; we can do no less.

For the full lesson go to The Narrow Minded Christian

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