The Tacky democrats
From everything known of Coretta Scott King, a gracious woman, I believe she would have been appalled that her funeral became the means to a presidential bashing not seen before.
Talk about the tacky......
from Agape Press
by Tim Wildmon
Jimmy Carter {a son of the South?!?!?!} needs to retire from public speaking. He needs to retire and pick peanuts. He can even talk to the peanuts about his some of his nutty statements recently as far as I am concerned. But his attack on President George W. Bush at Coretta Scott King's funeral was shameful.
The occasion again was the funeral service for Mrs. King held at the New Birth Missionary Church in Atlanta on Tuesday. It was carried on Fox News, CNN and other places. Millions of people watched. Among those speaking were President George Herbert Walker Bush, President Bill Clinton, President Carter and President George W. Bush.
Here is what President Carter had to say in remembering Mrs. King: "The struggle for equal rights is not over. We only have to recall the color of the faces of those in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi, those who were the most devastated by Katrina, to know that there are not yet equal opportunities for all Americans."
What? What the heck are you talking about, President Carter? That is an idiotic statement which only fans the flames of reverse racism among some black Americans against whites when what you are saying is not even true. Hurricane Katrina wiped out the Mississippi Gulf Coast, sir, with no respect to the color of the individuals affected. And if you want to go on shear numbers, there were many more whites who had homes and businesses destroyed than there were blacks. You want to talk about "equal opportunity," Hurricane Katrina was an equal opportunity catastrophe. If you want to make the point that racism still exists in America, Mr. Carter, fine. But at least make your point with some actual facts.
Of course, {Former} President Carter knew precisely what he was doing. He was shamelessly trying to embarrass President Bush who was sitting only a few feet from the podium. He was playing to the audience in attendance who shouted in support and applauded his comments as he knew they would. What he was saying was, "Remember the black folks in New Orleans who were held down at the Convention Center and Superdome after the levee broke? Well, right behind me here is the racist culprit who didn't care about those people because they were black and he is white. Now let him have it."
And remember now, we are talking a funeral service, not a political rally.
Jimmy Carter should no longer be considered a statesmen by those who considered him such. He has now shown himself to be a shameless political opportunist like so many other politicians, both Republican and Democrat.
And by the way, in case you missed it, Mr. Carter said (on Larry King Live) he has come up with a way the United States government could fund the terrorist organization Hamas, recently elected by the Palestinian people, if we want to get around our own law. He says we could launder (my word) money though the United Nations.
Great thinking outside the box, Mr. Carter. Now see if you can work on that part in the Hamas charter about wiping Israel off the face of the earth.
Rev. Joseph Lowery, who co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Dr. King, also took pot shots at President Bush, calling him out on the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and saying, among other things: "For war, billions more, but no more for the poor."
That is a good rhyme, I will give Rev. Lowery that. Two things. One, the federal government is responsible for paying for wars that the American military is engaged in. And two, the federal government already has many social welfare programs that help the poor and needy and that will continue.
Funerals should be a place to remember the deceased in a dignified manner, not to sucker-punch a sitting president who is also there paying his respects.
It was not too long ago when I had admiration for President Carter and especially his work with Habitat for Humanity. But the older he gets, the more I think the peanut juice is fermenting in Plains, Georgia.
{c~b~n couldn't say this any better. I don't think I would have/could have been as forebearing as President Bush. I admire his restraint. His respect for Mrs. Coretta Scott King whom he came to HONOR was much more apparent than the others who used a FUNERAL as a political rally to bash a Republican President. Tacky, tacky, tacky.}
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Talk about the tacky......
from Agape Press
by Tim Wildmon
Jimmy Carter {a son of the South?!?!?!} needs to retire from public speaking. He needs to retire and pick peanuts. He can even talk to the peanuts about his some of his nutty statements recently as far as I am concerned. But his attack on President George W. Bush at Coretta Scott King's funeral was shameful.
The occasion again was the funeral service for Mrs. King held at the New Birth Missionary Church in Atlanta on Tuesday. It was carried on Fox News, CNN and other places. Millions of people watched. Among those speaking were President George Herbert Walker Bush, President Bill Clinton, President Carter and President George W. Bush.
Here is what President Carter had to say in remembering Mrs. King: "The struggle for equal rights is not over. We only have to recall the color of the faces of those in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi, those who were the most devastated by Katrina, to know that there are not yet equal opportunities for all Americans."
What? What the heck are you talking about, President Carter? That is an idiotic statement which only fans the flames of reverse racism among some black Americans against whites when what you are saying is not even true. Hurricane Katrina wiped out the Mississippi Gulf Coast, sir, with no respect to the color of the individuals affected. And if you want to go on shear numbers, there were many more whites who had homes and businesses destroyed than there were blacks. You want to talk about "equal opportunity," Hurricane Katrina was an equal opportunity catastrophe. If you want to make the point that racism still exists in America, Mr. Carter, fine. But at least make your point with some actual facts.
Of course, {Former} President Carter knew precisely what he was doing. He was shamelessly trying to embarrass President Bush who was sitting only a few feet from the podium. He was playing to the audience in attendance who shouted in support and applauded his comments as he knew they would. What he was saying was, "Remember the black folks in New Orleans who were held down at the Convention Center and Superdome after the levee broke? Well, right behind me here is the racist culprit who didn't care about those people because they were black and he is white. Now let him have it."
And remember now, we are talking a funeral service, not a political rally.
Jimmy Carter should no longer be considered a statesmen by those who considered him such. He has now shown himself to be a shameless political opportunist like so many other politicians, both Republican and Democrat.
And by the way, in case you missed it, Mr. Carter said (on Larry King Live) he has come up with a way the United States government could fund the terrorist organization Hamas, recently elected by the Palestinian people, if we want to get around our own law. He says we could launder (my word) money though the United Nations.
Great thinking outside the box, Mr. Carter. Now see if you can work on that part in the Hamas charter about wiping Israel off the face of the earth.
Rev. Joseph Lowery, who co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Dr. King, also took pot shots at President Bush, calling him out on the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and saying, among other things: "For war, billions more, but no more for the poor."
That is a good rhyme, I will give Rev. Lowery that. Two things. One, the federal government is responsible for paying for wars that the American military is engaged in. And two, the federal government already has many social welfare programs that help the poor and needy and that will continue.
Funerals should be a place to remember the deceased in a dignified manner, not to sucker-punch a sitting president who is also there paying his respects.
It was not too long ago when I had admiration for President Carter and especially his work with Habitat for Humanity. But the older he gets, the more I think the peanut juice is fermenting in Plains, Georgia.
{c~b~n couldn't say this any better. I don't think I would have/could have been as forebearing as President Bush. I admire his restraint. His respect for Mrs. Coretta Scott King whom he came to HONOR was much more apparent than the others who used a FUNERAL as a political rally to bash a Republican President. Tacky, tacky, tacky.}
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