
conservatives unite

Discourses from a conservative Christian viewpoint in regards to politics, the church, world views and controversies; along with the application of the wisdom of G-d's holy word. There IS hope for a sinful and hurting world.... I believe in freedom of speech; however, please temper your language.Freedom of speech does NOT give us the right to be hateful,disrespectful or bigoted. Comments that contain cursing will be deleted! {My comments will often be enclosed when commenting on an article.}

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

And the Winner Is....


from Agape Press
by Bill Fancher

...A pro-family leader and former presidential candidate says is time to admit the truth about the Palestinian people.

According to Gary Bauer of the Campaign for Working Families, there is no mistaking what happened when the Palestinians voted to turn their government over to the control of the terrorist organization Hamas.

"The Palestinian people were given a choice," he says, "and they picked the party that is most committed and most adept and most serious about killing Jews and harming and setting back the interests of the United States."

Meanwhile, Bauer asserts, the White House has tried to put a positive spin on the election. "I think that's a mistake. It's a disaster -- and it should be recognized as such," he says.

The conservative spokesman feels supporters of Israel need to make their concerns known to the Bush administration. "This is a good time to remind our friends in the White House that Israel gained nothing from their withdrawal from Gaza," he says.

"We don't compromise with terrorists; Israel shouldn't be forced to compromise with them either."

President Bush has stated that he will not deal with Hamas until the organization renounces its goal of destroying Israel. However, millions of U.S. tax dollars in foreign aid go to the Palestinian government each year.


Prophecy coming true

There is no doubt in most evangelical Christians minds that we are living in the 'end times'. We are seeing the prophecies of God being fulfilled.

One of these will be the miraculous preservation of the nation of Israel.

Her enemies will rise up to destroy her. But instead they will be destroyed.

This means Hamas can move against Israel any day; Biblically, it won't be just Hamas, as most of the world agrees with these terrorists; the world will rise up against Israel in an attempt to destroy her. Will America also turn against Israel?

But rather than wiping Israel off the face of the map, they themselves will be destroyed instead.

It will take 7 months to bury the dead and will provide 7 years worth of fuel FOR the nation of Israel through the recovery of the machines used during this 'war.'

The Dangers of Replacement Theology

Too many "Christians" adhere to this 'replacement theology': they think, erroneously, that the United States IS the NEW Israel; and that the real Israel does not matter anymore.

To these replacement theologians, I ask, where in the Bible does God forsake His people? Where has He decided that Israel can no longer be saved? Where does He completely wipe His hands of them?

Nowhere does God renounce His chosen people.

They are wrong. If God had forsaken His people, then they would not play such an important role in the "end times" as found in Revelation (chapter 7). Nor would they have become a nation again in one day back in 1948. Finally, what would have been the point of saving a remnant during WWII if they no longer had His love?

I think Replacement theologists consider the Old Testament as no longer revelatory to "modern" times. They would be erroneous in this thinking as well. Isaiah and Jeremiah both tie in with Revelation. Many things mentioned in both books of the O.T. are just now coming to pass; therefore, how can they NOT be revelatory to our times?


In fact, it will NOT be Israel being destroyed by her enemies but America. In the last half century, we have made many enemies~~who are now vowing to destroy us.

With the gleeful sinning going on in this nation (blatant and rampant homosexuality, adultery, pornography, pedophilia, fornication; blasphemy, bigotry, child abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, elder abuse, euthanasia; witchcraft and sorcery, corruption in the corporate world and government, lack of ethics and honor; all manner of crime on the rise~~rapes, murder, thefts; uncontrollable youth~~involvement with gangs, teenage pregnancy, drop out rates in public schools; American government forcing Israel to concede her land~~just to name a few!); I believe, God has no choice but to allow this to happen.

It is our judgment for falling away from His righteousness. As an American, this saddens me so much. America had such potential but somewhere along the way she chose corruption instead.

When it comes right down to it, Israel does NOT need America or Americans.

But we may very well need Israel!

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