
conservatives unite

Discourses from a conservative Christian viewpoint in regards to politics, the church, world views and controversies; along with the application of the wisdom of G-d's holy word. There IS hope for a sinful and hurting world.... I believe in freedom of speech; however, please temper your language.Freedom of speech does NOT give us the right to be hateful,disrespectful or bigoted. Comments that contain cursing will be deleted! {My comments will often be enclosed when commenting on an article.}

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Louisiana again

from Agape Press
by Chad Groening

...A Louisiana citizens group has launched a petition drive aimed at recalling their state's Governor Kathleen Blanco for what the group is calling her lack of leadership in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. {I wish them is Louisiana, a state that still operates under the old Napoleonic laws. And its democrat to boot...}

Kit Landry is the founder of Responsible and Effective Citizen Action for Leadership in Louisiana, or RECALL. She says Governor Blanco has been more concerned with politics than with taking care of the state's disaster victims.

"Every time I saw our governor speaking, it was just about what had happened to her voter base," Landry says, "and it seemed to me that she was more concerned about her political future than the future of the citizens that were devastated by floods in the New Orleans area and southern Louisiana. I was absolutely appalled." {Gee, honesty in politics~~that's not only refreshing it's unusual...or politically inept.}

Also, the activist questions the governor's decision to take an entourage to the Netherlands. "Why do our governor and 50 other people have to go to the Netherlands to check out flood protection?" she asks. "If I have a problem with plumbing at my house, I don't go to the plumber's house. I have the plumber come here." {We always KNEW political minds were wired differently~~how can we waste the taxpayers money in a BIG way~~kind of philosophy. Or as the "common" people call it~~NO COMMON SENSE!!!!}

According to the RECALL spokeswoman, the citizens of Louisiana are no longer going to tolerate a lack of leadership in the Governor's office.

"We as citizens have a responsibility to say to our elected officials that if you do not have the leadership capabilities to do what needs to be done to help our citizens," Landry asserts, "then we as citizens have a responsibility to send a message to you that you will not serve in that capacity."


...Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of the group Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), says the city of New Orleans' main problem is moral poverty, not a lack of money.

The conservative black leader was appalled to learn that an investigation into Katrina disaster aid has uncovered widespread waste and fraud involving the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The month-long investigation by two federal agencies revealed that nearly half the 2.5 million applicants who received federal aid after Katrina had made fraudulent claims.

The investigation also found that many FEMA-issued debit cards were used for such things as gambling, pornography, tattoos, and even a diamond ring. {Don't tell me they don't know how to "work" the system.} "Folks turned the Superdome into a ghetto in three days," Peterson asserts, "and then they turned FEMA into an ATM machine.

When you give folks something without requiring them to earn it, this is what we get. They don't develop character. You only can develop that by working hard."

{Something the liberals have NEVER understood. Throwing money at a problem does NOT solve the problem. Often it creates an entirely new one. Such as, today, we have nation of welfare recipients who EXPECT to be taken care of without giving back to their communities. In Texas, when you receive government aid, you are required to volunteer a certain amount of hours. Many of the welfare folks refuse to do this. What does the government do then when they do so? Not a thing. They will still receive the money. No consequences just perpetuates the problem. They don't care that they have no dignity or character......}

Also, BOND's spokesman finds it interesting that many Big Easy residents seem so preoccupied with bringing back the city's decadent Mardi Gras festivities. "It really speaks about what New Orleans is all about," Peterson says. "You'd would think that would be the last thing on their minds, but they can't wait to get back to their old ways."

{Right after the hurricane, the organizers of the "decadent" gay pride parade went right ahead and held it. That told me what New Orleans was about then. They don't care HOW tourist money comes into their community as long as it comes. If it requires selling sex, decadence, homosexuality, so be it. They are FOR SALE.}

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