
conservatives unite

Discourses from a conservative Christian viewpoint in regards to politics, the church, world views and controversies; along with the application of the wisdom of G-d's holy word. There IS hope for a sinful and hurting world.... I believe in freedom of speech; however, please temper your language.Freedom of speech does NOT give us the right to be hateful,disrespectful or bigoted. Comments that contain cursing will be deleted! {My comments will often be enclosed when commenting on an article.}

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Prayer Police Foil Another

By Brad Locke
October 17, 2005

Blogged in its entirety~~it's that good! Also read it here: Agape Press
{conservative~by~nature's comments enclosed}

The prayer police are on patrol again. This time they've nabbed a rogue high school football coach who's dared to lead his team in prayer before meals and games.

(Parents, please don't let your kids read this; I wouldn't want the graphic description of this heinous act to scar them for life.)

Marcus Borden, a coach at East Brunswick High in New Jersey, resigned last week after being told by courageous administrators that he could no longer thank God in front of groups of impressionable teenagers. The parents of some of these kids complained about Borden's offensive prayers, saying it made their children "uncomfortable," as the Associated Press story put it. School officials said these students' discomfort should be treated with respect. But the damage may already be done; psychological counselors are being rushed in for all students who suffered emotionally from standing quietly while Borden uttered expletives like "Thank you, God" and "In Jesus' name."

OK, enough with my sarcasm; I'm sure it's not productive, but such absurd circumstances warrant it. {conservative~by~nature couldn't AGREE MORE!!!! Our world has become utterly absurd~~no common sense.}

The school used the old "separation of church and state" line, further perpetrating the myth that there is such a clause in the Constitution. Never mind that for most of this country's history, prayer was everywhere in public life. I guess it just took us a couple of centuries to figure out that our Founding Fathers didn't really think it was OK to allow religion's voice in the public square, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Borden, of course, believes otherwise. He said he resigned on principle -- I'll allow the appropriate people a moment to go look that word up. Wonder what he'll do with his sudden spare time? Something equally nefarious, I'm sure, like devoting more energy to the Snapple Bowl, an all-star football game he founded that has raised over $150,000 for physically and mentally impaired children. The fiend.

Borden pointed out that he's not the only coach to lead prayers. He's right. Happens in Mississippi all the time {Texas, too~~EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT GAME!} (hope the Anti-Christian Liberties Union {outstanding, descriptive name for them!!! } doesn't read this).

Goodness knows how many teenagers are in psych wards as a result. But I guess we're just backwards down here. We're not sensitive to how others might feel about God. Hearing someone else pray makes them "uncomfortable." I wonder why. Maybe it's because that puts them at risk of confronting their own sinfulness; or maybe it makes them feel spiritually inferior; or maybe it just threatens their tidy, self-centered worldview.

This is simply another sign of America's growing hostility toward Christianity, or more precisely, toward Christ. His words made the Pharisees wriggle 2,000 years ago, and they still make folks wriggle today.

I've probably said this before, but it's so true: Humans have trouble believing in God because doing so means (a) someone else is in control; (b) they must be held accountable for their every action; and (c) they must learn to think of someone besides themselves.

I assume most parents and administrators want coaches who will help steer kids in the right direction. That implies that these same people want coaches who possess some sort of moral compass and believe that right and wrong aren't just feelings, but facts. Thus, these coaches must have a moral source (for morality without a source beyond the self is dangerous). So why aren't coaches whose source is God allowed to acknowledge Him?

And why are people so intent on shielding this young generation from the truth of God? {They are NOT going to thank any of you for doing this~~in fact, I believe it will have a whiplash effect and they will RESENT those grown-ups who did so.}

This culture has no problem exposing kids to gore, casual sex and all sorts of self-destructive philosophies. But try to tell them about God, and you just might ruin them. Might actually make them use their brains to figure out why they're here. Bill Maher {Well, look who it if he has anything worth listening to~~don't waste my time and they ought to quit wasting the film celluloid....} has called Christians mentally unstable, but close-minded is the person who denies the intrinsic rationality of God's existence.

Over 50 players went to Borden's house begging him to return. If the school officials really were concerned about their students, they would ask those kids how "uncomfortable" this tragic episode has made them feel.

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