
conservatives unite

Discourses from a conservative Christian viewpoint in regards to politics, the church, world views and controversies; along with the application of the wisdom of G-d's holy word. There IS hope for a sinful and hurting world.... I believe in freedom of speech; however, please temper your language.Freedom of speech does NOT give us the right to be hateful,disrespectful or bigoted. Comments that contain cursing will be deleted! {My comments will often be enclosed when commenting on an article.}

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Monday, November 07, 2005

Using Children to Spy on Families

from AFA
by Berit Kjos
Kjos Ministries Blogged in its entirety.
{conservativebynature's comments enclosed by}

Cynthia, a concerned Washington mom, doesn't want the public school to monitor her family’s values. {This is a concerned parent~~were that there were more in this nation. Instead, we have a majority of parents who just don't care. They want teachers to teach the basics, plus do the parents' job of teaching manners, morality, sex-ed, self-control, socialization skills, and be a surrogate parent. Parents~~no whinning when you DISCOVER, THAT YOUR CHILD'S TEACHER DID ALL THIS AND MORE~~and completely undermined your authority, and your beliefs and created a godless socialist or communist individual!} Naturally, this letter from her son’s 4th grade teacher troubled her:

Dear Parent or Guardian:
In the next several weeks, your son/daughter will be participating in the 4th grade unit of instruction on: Personal Safety (child sexual abuse prevention)
Includes T.A.L.K. Theatre for 2nd, 4th, and 8th grades.
Please refer to the brochure sent to you in the fall for specific information about the various components of our comprehensive health curriculum. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Since no brochure had arrived, Cynthia asked the teacher for a copy. {Honestly answer: how many of you reading this would have persistently followed through on this?} It failed to answer her questions, so she called the district Curriculum Director. He explained that a group of actors would put on a play "with the kids." The presentation would show the children different ways to handle adults who make them uncomfortable by their touching or talking.

Cynthia asked if she could watch the play with her child. He said no; other students might not disclose abuse if parents were present. "Are you basically looking for kids that have been abused?" she asked.

Again the answer was no, but he admitted that students sometimes disclose personal secrets to an adult after a performance. The actual purpose of the theater, however, was to provide children with skills on how to handle uncomfortable situations.

The actors -- and a professional psychologist -- were trained to look for kids who were "plugging their ears," "covering their face" or showing other signs of discomfort.

Cynthia didn't ask what the school would do with children who plugged their ears or were suspected to be "at risk." Later she wondered. Would the psychologist examine and counsel the child? Would Child Protection Services be called? Might the child be removed from the family?

Such intrusive tactics are already devastating families across America. Children have been removed from loving homes because of anonymous phone calls, unfounded accusations and irrational hostility against Christian parents whose uncompromising beliefs are too "extremist" for the new millennium.[1]

Public schools have become therapy centers, immersing children in outrageous sex-education and multicultural experiences, values clarification and other forms of group therapy designed to:

  • desensitize children to contrary values {homosexuality, "living together", promiscuity}
  • produce moral confusion or cognitive dissonance {the above beliefs go against their Christian parents' values}
  • shifting loyalty from family to peer group {Hilary Clinton's "It takes a village to raise a child" bull.}
  • instill beliefs and behavior fit for the global village. {segues right into the ONE world government and ONE world religion~~which belongs to the ANTICHRIST.}

T.A.L.K. Theatre fits right in. "It’s psychological examination on the students without parental consent," says Cynthia. "There is no opt-out form or written permission slip to sign.

"The educational establishment knows that many parents would oppose their tactics if they discovered them. So they hide them from potential critics {Cowards} while seeking support from more liberal parents, community groups and agencies.

For example, the Massachusetts Dept. of Education website tells us that
“comprehensive school health education is a vital component of state-wide education reform.... Through collaboration with one another, health educators, academic teachers, and support staff can address a panoply of interrelated health topics....”

Those topics include AIDS education, beliefs, child abuse, discrimination, sexual orientation, family lifestyles and relationships, hate speech, violence prevention and other issues critical to social engineering.

Each would be discussed through “innovative, student-centered teaching methods that foster critical thinking skills and responsible decision making” such as peer education, question boxes, role playing, improvisational theater.... Theater and role-playing are powerful tools for social change. Today's teen violence illustrates the devastating consequences.

To stand against this

spreading evil, we must

know God's Word,

encourage each other,

pray for guidance and

look to the only One

who can lead us in


{Be prepared for the time when you will have to take your child OUT of the public school venue and either home school or send them to a Christian school that will support your beliefs...or lose your child through government intervention and social services who view YOU as an endangerment to your own child because of your radical, Christian beliefs!}

“We have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.” 2 Chronicles 20:12

1. See
What happened to parents' rights?
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