
conservatives unite

Discourses from a conservative Christian viewpoint in regards to politics, the church, world views and controversies; along with the application of the wisdom of G-d's holy word. There IS hope for a sinful and hurting world.... I believe in freedom of speech; however, please temper your language.Freedom of speech does NOT give us the right to be hateful,disrespectful or bigoted. Comments that contain cursing will be deleted! {My comments will often be enclosed when commenting on an article.}

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Saturday, August 18, 2007

ENDA bill

Once again, special interests are taking over and attempting to hold hostage the Congress of the United States as well as the American people.

IF it passes, then it seems like all these sexual preferences have just been LEGALIZED and protected!


A new bill, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), has been introduced in the House of Representatives by homosexual Congressman Barney Frank. The bill (HR 2015) would force organizations such as the Boy Scouts, Veterans of Foreign Wars, day care centers, Christian business owners, adoption agencies, public schools, municipalities and a host of other businesses and organizations to hire homosexual applicants.

ENDA would make it illegal to fire, refuse to hire or refuse to promote an employee based on his or her sexual orientation or "gender identity." Such acts would be considered crimes subject to severe penalties. For a list of the co-sponsors of ENDA, click here. [84 Democrats said YES; 4 Republicans said YES. Can we say Bi-partisan fast enough????]

Here is a list of those "Sexual Orientations"


Coprophilia - sexual arousal associated with feces

Exhibitionism - the act of exposing one’s genitals to an unwilling observer to obtain sexual gratification [LEGAL & Protected now]

Fetishism/Sexual Fetishism - obtaining sexual excitement primarily or exclusively from an inanimate object or a particular part of the body

Frotteurism - approaching an unknown woman from the rear and pressing or rubbing the penis against her buttocks [LEGAL & Protected now]

Gay/Homosexual - people who form sexual relationships primarily or exclusively with members of their own gender

Gerontosexuality - distinct preference for sexual relationships primarily or exclusively with an elderly partner

Incest - sex with a sibling or parent [LEGAL & Protected now]

Kleptophilia - obtaining sexual excitement from stealing

Klismaphilia - erotic pleasure derived from enemas

Lesbian - a homosexual female

Lewdness - sexually unchaste; inciting to lust or debauchery

Masturbation - erotic stimulation of one’s own genitals

Necrophilia - sexual arousal and/or activity with a corpse [LEGAL & Protected now]

Paraphilia - a condition in which a person's sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme

Partialism - A fetish in which a person is sexually attracted to a specific body part exclusive of the person.

Pederasty - Sex between an adult and a child, usually an adult male and a male child. [LEGAL & Protected now]

Pedophilia - Sexual contact between an adult and a child [LEGAL & Protected now]

Bisexual Pedophilia – term used for an adult who derives sexual gratification from sexual contact with a child without regard to the sex of the child
[LEGAL & Protected now]

Heterosexual Pedophilia - term used for an adult who derives sexual gratification from sexual contact with a child of the opposite sex
[LEGAL & Protected now]

Gay Pedophilia - term used for a male adult who derives sexual gratification from sexual contact with a child of the same sex
[LEGAL & Protected now]

Lesbian Pedophilia - term used for a female adult who derives sexual gratification from sexual contact with a child of the same sex
[LEGAL & Protected now]

Prostitution - the act or practice of offering sexual stimulation or intercourse for money [LEGAL & Protected now]

Sexual masochism - obtaining sexual gratification by being subjected to pain or humiliation

Sexual sadism - the intentional infliction of pain or humiliation on another person in order to achieve sexual excitement

Telephone scatalogia - sexual arousal associated with making or receiving obscene phone calls [LEGAL & Protected now]

Toucherism - characterized by a strong desire to touch the breast or genitals of an unknown woman without her consent; often occurs in conjunction with other paraphilia [LEGAL & Protected now]

Transsexual - a person whose gender identity is different from his or her anatomical gender

Transvestite - a person who is sexually stimulated or gratified by wearing the clothes of the other gender

Urophilia - sexual arousal associated with urine

Voyeurism - obtaining sexual arousal by observing people without their consent when they are undressed or engaged in sexual activity [LEGAL & Protected now]

Zoophilia/Bestiality - engaging in sexual activity with animals [LEGAL & Protected now.]

[Maybe we should notify the animal humane society...they seem to get things done to protect animals almost immediately.

Too bad the Senate does not consider humans, especially the young and elderly who cannot protect themselves, as important enough to protect......C~B~N]

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